First Responder Applications


Serving Home Town Heroes

In 2019 Mutts With A Mission began placing Service Dogs with qualified First Responders, Law Enforcement Officers, and Federal Agents. The wounds that these heroes incur are often overlooked and treatment options can be difficult to find.

We train Service Dogs to assist with line-of-duty related PTSD, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), and mobility impairments for Law Enforcement, First Responders (EMS, Fire), and qualified Federal Employees. We do not train Guide Dogs or Hearing Dogs, and can not provide “hypoallergenic dogs”.


Applicant Criteria

  • Separated from service in good standing

  • Verifiable PTSD, TBI, or mobility disability

    • Disability MUST be line-of-duty related

  • No convictions of any crimes against animals or types of abuse

  • Stable living environment

  • Actively participating in a treatment program

Please read the cover letter and fill out the application completely.  

NOTE:  In addition to the attached application, please be sure to include all items listed on page 2.

DO NOT submit the documents one at a time.  Partial applications will not be accepted.  The completed application is due to MWAM no later than May 31, 2025.  

Application process

  1. 31 May: Completed applications due. No late applications will be considered.

  2. 1 June - 31 July: Applications will be reviewed and interviews will be set up for qualifying applicants.

  3. August: Interviewed applicants will be notified of the selection committee’s decision.

    (There are three types of decisions: unconditional acceptance, conditional acceptance, or denial)

  4. Applicants placed on the wait list will be required to update information every 6 months.

    Currently, our wait list is roughly 2 years from the point of acceptance. Our commitment is to produce solid partnerships between our highly skilled dogs and their recipients.


Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

Please note we DO NOT place Service or Facility Dogs in homes with individuals who smoke or vape for the health of our dogs.